
Project maintained by philipalexanderb Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

User Guide




List all the tasks in the list of tasks.

Example of usage:


Expected outcome:

Here are the tasks in your list:
1. [D][✓] submit assignment (by: 21/09/2019 2359)
2. [E][✘] project meeting (at: 19/09/2019 1300)
3. [E][✘] eat deck mala (at: 21/09/2019 1230)
4. [E][✘] training (at: 23/09/2019 1900)
5. [T][✘] return book


Creates a todo task and append it to the list.

The format is as follow: todo <description>

Example of usage:

todo return book

Expected outcome:

Got it. I've added this task:
  [T][✘] return book
Now you have 3 tasks in the list


Creates an event task and append it to the list.

The format is as follow: event <description> /at <datetimeformat>

Example of usage:

event project meeting /at 19/09/2019 1300 

Expected outcome:

Got it. I've added this task:
  [E][✘] project meeting (at: 19/09/2019 1300)
Now you have 4 tasks in the list


Creates a deadline task and append it to the list.

The format is as follow: deadline <description> /by <datetimeformat>

Example of usage:

deadline submit assignment /by 21/09/2019 2359 

Expected outcome:

Got it. I've added this task:
  [E][✘] submit assignment (by: 21/09/2019 2359)
Now you have 5 tasks in the list

done [index]

Marks the task at the given index as done.

Example of usage:

done 2

Expected outcome:

Nice! I've marked this task as done:
  [E][✓] project meeting (at: 19/09/2019 1300)

delete [index]

Delete the task at the given index from the list.

Example of usage:

delete 1

Expected outcome:

Noted. I've removed this task:
  [D][✓] submit assignment (by: 21/09/2019 2359)
Now you have 4 taks in the list

find [string]

Finds all the tasks in the list that partially/ fully matches the given string.

Example of usage:

find book

Expected outcome:

[T][✘] return book


Sort the list of task in order from [D], [E], then [T]. In category [D] and [E], the tasks are sorted from the earliest date to the latest date.

Example of usage:


Expected outcome:

Here is your sorted List:
1. [D][✓] submit assignment (by: 21/09/2019 2359)
2. [E][✘] project meeting (at: 19/09/2019 1300)
3. [E][✘] eat deck mala (at: 21/09/2019 1230)
4. [E][✘] training (at: 23/09/2019 1900)
5. [T][✘] return book


List all the commands in Duke.

Example of usage:


Expected outcome:

Here is the list of commands for Duke:
- todo <description>
- event <description> /at dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm
- deadline <description> /by dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm
- done <Index> - mark the task at the given Index in the list as done
- delete <Index> - delete the task at the given index from list
- find <word that matches the task description>
- list - to list out the tasks that have been added
- sort - to sort the list of tasks
- help - list out the list of commands
- bye - to exit the application


Terminates the program and exits.

Example of usage:
